Steve Nelson Chuck Rohe Tribute

What a day! Thank you, Coach Chuck Rohe

By Steve Nelson

I joined the Marine Corps Reserve in the fall of 1970. Due to following Coach Rohe’s tenacious workouts and to our distance group’s commitment to his discipline, boot camp at Parris Island, SC was a snap. I went there in November, after completing my senior year’s track season that spring. I was made the Guide of our platoon early on and never relinquished that position for the duration of our 10-week boot camp. During a 4-platoon track meet, I ran the anchor leg of the Mile Relay and took our team from 3rd place to 1st place, making up about 100 yards on the leader in the process. Upon our graduation in January 1971, I was named Most Outstanding Recruit in my platoon and was promoted to E-2, Private First Class. In June of that same year, during our reserve unit’s two-week active duty training at Cherry Point Marine Air Base, NC I beat their best regular Marine in a one on one 3-mile race on an abandoned runway. That earned me a case of beer and promotion to E-3, Lance Corporal, on the charter flight back to our base. So, thanks to Coach Rohe, in only 8 short months I rose from a raw E-1 boot camp recruit to an E-3 Lance Corporal pay grade and status level.

Steve Nelson